

Due to a few "anonymous" ignorant comments i've gotten...i've decided to change my privacy settings so not just any old creeper on the internet can read my blog. Maybe these anoymous commenters are people I know...maybe not. I feel if they knew me they wouldnt have made the comments they did. Oh well.

So to those anonymous people who were too chicken shit to post their names so I could respond...you are dead wrong and nobody asked for your opinion. Maybe YOU should consider mental help? ;) Im doing just fine and my child will be as well with me as his mother.

To those that wish to continue reading my blog, just send me your email address...either by leaving it as a comment or to maryannritter@roadrunner.com and I would be happy to add you! :D


  1. I have been reading your blog since Tammy created it right after Bella was born. I enjoy reading your updates and applaud you for your healing. You are a very strong woman. I am thrown back that someone would have the nerve to post negative comments.
    Angela Rodriguez (your sister's friend)

  2. Hi Angie! I too am appalled that people would leave such negative comments... Thanks for your support and for being my friend :)

  3. ADD ME, Love to read your updates, even if I get choked up every time.xoxo

  4. Sorry such a late response but can you please add me? I have been reading your blog ever since Joy told me about it last year. You will just have to ignore those ignorant people because you are a very STRONG woman! My email is caskew23@comcast.net.

  5. That's terrible that someone could leave such an awful comment. I'm so sorry. Please add me to your list. jkpoll@comcast.net
